People come to me and they ask 'Where is God?' And they think that they are asking a very relevant question - as if God can be somewhere. They have not looked into the problem deeply.
First they have to search into this questioning itself Who is the one asking for God? Who is this one searching for God? One should start from the very start.
'Who am I?' is the only significant question one can ask. And once this question is solved, all other questions are solved because God is found.
Raman Maharshi used to give only one meditation to everyone, whosoever would come to him: just to go on and on pondering, observing, watching, witnessing one thing - to let this question become so utterly your existence that it persists even when you are asleep - Who am I? And it has not to be repeated like a mantra.
If you repeat it like a mantra you will have missed the point; it is not a mantra, it is an inquiry, and the greatest inquiry there is. It has not to be used as a meditation technique, it has to become your very life.
Walking, let the inquiry be there - 'Who is walking?' Listening right now, let the inquiry be there - 'Who is listening?' And finally the inquiry has to penetrate to such profound depths that when you ask 'Who am I?' the inquiry is there - 'Who is asking this question?'
Move to the innermost centre of your being. This inquiry is a movement withinwards. And this single question can solve all the problems; it is a master key: it unlocks all the locks.
Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise From outward things, whate'er you may believe.
Your belief is not going to change the nature of things. You can believe that a rose flower is a lotus - and you can believe stubbornly, you can believe blindly and madly - but the rose remains a rose; just by your belief it is not transformed into a lotus.
Yes, you can remain in a kind of illusion, you can remain hallucinating, you can even start seeing it as a lotus. Belief creates dreams, but it cannot create reality. Belief cannot deliver reality to you because all belief is a hindrance.
Belief basically means that you have believed before knowing; you are deceiving yourself. All believers are deceivers: they have lied to themselves. They have not known God, and they have started believing in a Christian God or a Jewish God or a Hindu God. They know nothing; they have not experienced anything.