📍 You can be in harmony with the whole, or you can be in conflict with the whole, in disharmony. Harmony naturally results in deep silence, joy, delight. Conflict results in anxiety, anguish, stress, tension.
📍 When I say just be, I mean be open. I mean don't try to be something else. Because in the very effort of being somebody else you will be strained, you will be tense, you will be under stress, and you will remain closed. You can open only when you accept whatsoever you are. Don't try to be something other than you are.
📍 The present moment is a culmination of the whole past and the beginning of the whole future. Each moment is a convergence of past and future. If you can become aware of both together, you will be at ease, without any stress. You will be very conscious and alert.
📍 Meditation is the quality that arises naturally when you are enjoying, non- seriously. Playing cards, gambling, business anything can be turned into meditation. The only thing that needs to be added is a non serious playfulness. Then it doesn't create any tension in you, no stress is produced. You remain relaxed.
📍 Stress in itself can be used as a stepping stone. It can become at creative force, a creative energy First accept it; there is no need to fight with it. Accept it, it is perfectly okay.
📍 Time is perhaps the greatest tension and trouble of our life. Time is the conflict, anxiety, and anguish of man. To live in time means to live stretched between its two poles - the past and the future. Time always exists in exact proportion to our unconsciousness, to our psychological sleep. And when we are fully awake, aware, time ceases to be. The fire of awareness burns time altogether.
📍 Rest in yourself, relax into yourself. Enjoy yourself, celebrate yourself. Rather than wasting time in becoming somebody, be a nobody. Then all stress disappears. Then tension is not possible. Anxiety cannot grow because you have cut the very root of anguish. Then life is as beautiful as roses and as luminous as the stars.