The houses of the horoscope refers to a twelve part division that begins with the Ascendant or your Rising Sign.
The Ascendant/Rising Sign/First House cusp is calculated to an exact degree based on the precise moment of birth. To understand the full meaning of what your Ascendant says.
The twelve houses of the horoscope define different areas of our life. Each house refers to a specific aspect of life. Each house has what is called a natural sign and natural ruling planets. This is the sign and planet which are associated with that house in the natural chart beginning with Aries and ending with Pisces. Each signs/house consists of thirty degrees.
The 1st House – Ruler: Aries
Stands for: self, health, longevity, happiness, appearance, character, stature, temperament, prosperity, disposition, nature, personality, vitality, & vigor, success or failure in attempts, general well-being persons asking question, fame ( Sun & Houses 10 ), beginning of life, child hood, environment, physical body.
The 2nd House – Ruler: Taurus
Stands for: wealth, death, speech, family, vision, education, learning, right eye, self-acquisition, face, material welfare, second marriage, teacher, lawyers, bankers, bonds, security, stock & shares, friends, documents, mortgages, negotiable & changeable assets, bank balance, gold, silver, ruby, pearls, money matters, acquisition by self, effort, worldly attainments.
The 3rd House – Ruler: Gemini
Stands for: stamina, courage, longevity, younger brother, perseverance, short travels, writings, relations, confusion of mind, vigor, pleasure, arms, servants, good qualities, large undertakings, mistress, neighbors, brokerage, commissions, ability, memory, mistress, intellect, interview, mental inclination, lower mind for material advancement, inclination to study, change of residence, signing of contracts or railway, papers, accounting, mathematics, editor, reporter, messenger, journalist, library, partition of property, printing press, communications, post offices, letter boxes, telephone, telegraph, television, airmail, architect, astrology, writer, post, journalism, correspondence, publishing.
The 4th House – Ruler: Cancer
Stands for: Mother, happiness, property (hereditary, landed, constructed) conveyances, morel virtues (honesty and sincerity etc.), friends, education, peace of mind, comforts, acquisitions, general welfare, fondness, masses, fame, intelligence, savings, cattle, agricultural grains, trade, weather, residence, tent, pavilion, false allegations, where stolen property is kept, fields, farms, orchards, crops, mines, private affairs, secrets, secret life, in female’s nativity-sex life, sangama & sateetavama, popularity.
The 5th House – Ruler: Leo
Stands for: Children, intelligence, wisdom, speculation, fame, positions, mind, emotions, 1st conception, sudden wealth, good morals, father, foresight, memory, enjoyment including sex, speculative tendency, flirtations and love affairs, good morals, deity, bhakti, knowledge of future service, publications, gains to wife, festive occasions, sports, recreations entertainment, amusements, wife’s partner’s dance, opera, lottery, gambling, betting, cards, race horse, shares, stock exchange, crossword puzzles, love affairs, religious mindedness, spiritual practices, rapes, society, romance, mantra siddhi, carnal pleasures.
The 6th House – Ruler: Virgo
Stands for: enemies, debts, diseases, misery, sorrows, wounds, worries, disappointments, illness, accidents, obstacles, scandals, mental, afflictions, injuries, imprisonment, cruel actions, house of deficiency & wants, service, gains, mental stability, wood, timber, stone, instruments, hospitals, prisons, punishment, execution of cruel orders, favorable result in competition, enemy of humanity, center of all six natural enemies of humanity viz., kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (infatuation), ahankara ( arrogance), eerkha (jealousy), loss in investment purchases made by partner, material prosperity, competition.
The 7th House – Ruler: Libra
Stands for: Wife, husband, death, sexual desires, marriage, foreign travels, children, general happiness, business partner, cure of disease, relationship, litigation second wife, recovery of lost property, vital power, hernia, sexual diseases, sexual passion or union, diplomacy and honor in foreign country, trade and speculation, marital happiness, business tact, description of thief, foreign affairs, social interactions, partnership in business, social & official status.
The 8th House – Ruler: Scorpio
Stands for: disgrace, degradation, sorrow, debts, death & its cause, impediments, longevity, legacies, gifts, unearned or hidden wealth, career, defeat, urinary trouble, punishment from govt., fear, loss of money from debts, hidden wealth, foreign travel, husband’s relatives, mangalaya (for ladies), accidents, delays, dejection, disappointment, loss, obstructions, intense mental worry, wickedness, sin, killing a living being, wanderings, trouble to partners & brothers, mysticism, undisclosed affairs, house of mystery, occult science, travels.
The 9th House – Ruler: Sagittarius
Stands for: Dharma, fortune, wealth, father, son, religion, deity ( religious fervor), journeys, foreign travel, fame, higher mind-wisdom, sudden prosperity, wealth by way of patrimony, moral standards, virtues, gifts (daan), prosperity, charity, luck, husband’s fortune, issue in a female horoscope, faith, legal, charitable & religious professions, preceptors, teachers, sacrifices, pilgrimage, research, invention, discovery, exploration, methodical meditation, intuition, forethought, moral qualities, soubhagayasthana for females.
The 10th House – Ruler: Capricorn
Stands for: Occupation (Movable sign: indicate ambition, fame, recognition and makes native self-assertive, independent profession; fixed sign indicate firmness, determination, self-reliance, patience, fixity of purpose which is necessary or business; common sign indicate service), karma, respect, honor, foreign, travel, dignity, father, position, trade & commerce, action, political power, reputation, command, fame, success, status, authority, morality, maraca to parents, retirement from world, election, litigation, government jobs, rank, prosperity, prominence.
The 11th House – Ruler: Aquarius
Stands for: Gains (of money, knowledge), elder brother or sister, wealth, elevation of husband, longevity of mother, gain from father-in-law, friends, hops, wishes, aspirations, success in undertaking, election, litigation, speculation, discharge from hospital, ears, trade, society, community, recovery from illness, freedom from misery, ambitions, wishes, desires & their fulfillment, marriage, disease (being 6th from 6th injury house.
The 12th House – Ruler: Pisces
Stands for: Losses, expenditure, left eye, waste, extravagance, moksha, divine know ledge, sexual enjoyment, foreign travels, secret enemies, sins, leaving one’s own place, fear from foes, being after death, feet, sleep, wandering, living abroad, troubles to partner, comforts of bed, mental worry, lost goods never recovered, termination of appointment, hospitalization, discharge of debts, loss of wife, death of native, ability to renounce, disputes, misfortunes, profession, impediments, restraint, limitations, waste & extravagance, success through occult affairs, life in a foreign place, asylums.
With grace and peace,